Monday, February 13, 2006

The End

The iChef Academy is dead.

Well, actually, it's never really been dead, just a jab at Sam Lau for putting me on his blackgate list. Mystery Meat Bootleg Squeegee is officially over with my trip to Sierra Leone. I'm no longer working at Astropress Screenprinting (thus the reference to the squeegee), so without further ado, here's my new blogsite: chiafrica / beautiful elephant. We'll see how long Beautiful ElephaNt lasts as the name, but this will be my web entry space for now as I approach, enter, begin and end my time in Sierra Leone.

Mystery Meat Bootleg Squeegee (MMBS) is/was kind of a sad space. I usually write during the upper ups or the lower lows, so I think I've given a pretty sad voice of my life during the past 1.3 years. It has been sad, with suffering, depressing, a struggle, and a wrestling time. It's been real raw and deep though, and I think the Psalms are real close to this past year and a half (or more). David's words are so high yet so low. I see a common pattern of: 1. Life is Horrible: God save me from the depths of death in my life, 2. God you are so beautiful and hopeful, 3. I will praise you still.

I think that's who I've been and been close to. Joy. Suffering. Faith. the Unknown. Jesus as a person close to the poor: close to people who have been placed at the margins. I find hope in Jesus considering the poor because then I know that he considers me, a person that's often so poor in spirit. Death is close. You are beautiful. I will still praise you.

Africa is exciting. Death is close to Africa. Africa is beautiful. Still will I praise God? I think I will see more of this through my trip. It doesn't seem like the greatest place for a struggling, weak in spirit dude to go to. But you know, I really think this is my life right now: A postmodern psalm.

Thanks for reading and keeping up through this space. Yall don't comment too much which is kind of a bummer, but it's O.K., I still try to write for the sake of me and you and some sort of clarity.

And to end, excerpts from Psalm 42:

7 Deep calls to deep
in the roar of your waterfalls;
all your waves and breakers
have swept over me.

11 Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
for I will yet praise him,
my Savior and my God.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

no comments cuz your a xanga hater =)

9:23 AM  

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