Saturday, January 21, 2006

Typhoid Pill 2

So here we go again. I just remembered that I have to take my Typhoid Pill ( number 3 out of a 4 part series ). Good thing for this blog otherwise I would have forgotten. I guess this journal and the distracting swirlings of "WEB2.0" have some sort of practical purpose. I think I try to jokingly justify my time on the web (being a nerd). I have to confess that I don't have much to justify. It's hard to be a nerd. Matt can use teaching/education for his excuse. Me? I got nothing.

I'm going to wait another 1/2 hour because I ate some snacks a little while ago.

I went to the Young Adult group at my old church tonite. I think I've got a lot of thoughts on that experience, but I need to think about it for myself before I really post anything. All in all, it was a good night, to spend with some folks and to be encouraged in a church kind of way. I miss that: being encouraged through more solid teaching. In general, it's different between the experiences of church at Chinese Indy and New Hope. They have distinct cultures. They're quite different in attitudes/approaches to life. Still, I think it's good. My thought is we need more balance in our lives. I cringe at some lacks at Chinese Indy and the same with New Hope. I am grateful for the strengths of each church.

I'll talk more about this later. ( When I say that, I usually never do come back to it, so you gotta give me some comments!)

I had a good talk with my friend SuperAmes about things and we ended up talking about church a bit. I've grown up going to church and it's always been a pretty important part of my life (whether I'll admit it or not). I think there's been postive and negative effects of my experiences. After talking about churchlife, it came really clear to me that it's important to find a home. I'm not referring to a place to live and sleep and cook. That's really important, but i'm talking about a place where you're at home. A place to rest and to be at peace. It probably starts with oneself.

It's late, I'm going to bed. 3 entries this week? Holla back if you like it!


Anonymous Anonymous said..., I haven't checked this thing in a while my bad.


8:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

make sure to let us know where the new blog is!

4:45 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

What a great idea! I, too, have wrestled with this skill for years..

11:02 PM  

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