Wednesday, October 19, 2005

25 plus 1

who knows what this year will hold.

all i know is i got used to 25 and now it's done with. i had this sense of sadness, not about getting older, but wondering if things have changed this year. some folks get all into getting older, i don't know, i don't think it's that big of a deal, but it's really been hard for me in that i wonder if things are different from a year ago. am i closer to God, or am i too caught up in this search for identity and community? age isn't so hard, not maturing is.

in light of this, i had this realization today, and i hope that you hold me to it. i realized that i need to come closer to the realities of life. i don't need to figure out exactly who i am or what i should be doing now, but i really should come closer to the truth of my existence.

i was made to worship god. i was made to express beauty. i was made to be creative. i was made to be loved. i was made to love my God and other people intimately and deeply. i was made to be intimate with others.

i started out my early 20s in search for a good life. then there was a great stirring in my heart from different life experiences, and i committed the rest of the roaring 20s to sacrifice, service, and identifying with the poor. right now, i think something's gone wrong or needs to change because i'm busy fighting myself each day: wondering and wandering too much ... and feeling stuck in it. i feel a need to phase into something new: finding out how i mature into living a life that allows for me to live freely.

life giving service.
identifying with the poor.

from t.s. elliot:
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks, chia. i really think you express yourself well.

7:22 PM  

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